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Kentucky Christian University

Kentucky Christian

A stone cross stands against a bright sky with trees, alongside the text "Help us make a Difference.


You may give to your favorite program or project at Kentucky Christian University by designating your gift accordingly. Thank you for your special interest in helping KCU flourish!

Gifts can be made in the following ways:

  • AutoGift: Visit our online donation form.
  • Cash Gifts: KCU accepts cash gifts via credit card, check, or cash. You may make a one-time or recurring gift by credit card though our online donation form or by calling the KCU Business Office at 606-474-3265. To send a gift by check or money order, please mail it to the Office of Development at Kentucky Christian University.
  • In-Kind Gifts: Cars, trucks, and other vehicles can be easily converted to cash. Gifts of stock, property, and other non-cash items are excellent ways to help fund the mission and vision of KCU. To inquire about transfers of stock or gifts of other property, please contact Danny Stamper at
  • Estate Planning Gifts: Leave a legacy! We can provide you with help in with experts in the field with no cost to you.
  • Matching Gifts: Many companies encourage philanthropy by matching their employees’ gifts to colleges and universities such as KCU. Most match the gift dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount. Participating companies may also recognize donations made by retirees and/or spouses. Check with your company today and ask them about matching gifts. It’s a great way to increase your giving to KCU.To see if your employer will match your donation to KCU, contact your employer’s Human Resources Department. If they do participate, all your employer will likely ask you to do is fill out a form and mail it to KCU with your donation. KCU and your employer will do the rest.

For more information on how you can become a friend of Kentucky Christian University through giving, please contact Danny Stamper, Office of Development, at 606-474-3282.